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 Walk Across Europe

2012-04-02 - Trip 20 - Leg 157

Italy, Liguria Imperia

Ventimiglia to San Remo

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20.3 km today.
3.6 km/h average today.
5 hours 36 mins walking time.
20.3 km this trip.
3235.3 km from start.
0 metres minimum height.
61 metres maximum height.
227 metres ascent.
234 metres descent.
 Track Log: Logged.
 Travel: Train, Train.
27.30 Euros.

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A lot of main coast road walking with occasional parallel urban alternatives. Near Sanremo, the disused railway path began. Better.

The 06:07 Ventimiglia train from Genova Piazza Principe departed on time.

Rant Begins

Neil waymarked all the stations and recorded a tracklog of the route. Incredibly, this information is still really hard to get on the internet. You'd think it was pretty obvious that people need to know the names of the stations and where they are. Trenitalia do not even produce leaflets of the timetables in either PDF or paper format. You spend hours fannying around in their stupid journey search tool where you don't even know the names of the stations. At the station it took several minutes for the very helpful information person to print a timetable between only two stations for less than half a day in one direction only. Completely hopeless! Bring back the herb loving Mussolini. At least he made the trains run on thyme.


In the IT world there is a technique called refactoring. This is where new technology and IT makes life better and more convenient. Then there is the new IT solution which completely screws with your head. These are refuctored systems. I just don't believe it. All I need is a timetable leaflet with the stations on it in the right order. I expect there's an App for it and yes, I have got a smart phone and no, I can't afford to use it abroad because of the rip-off charges for data roaming. End of rant. I feel better now.

The Walk

This was mainly on the coast road with occasional sections on less busy parallel roads through the little towns. The main road had a pavement for pedestrians almost all the way. The side roads often didn't but these were much quieter. The road followed the coast and the contours so there was not too much climbing and dropping again. Inland there were nice rugged hills with rocky cliffs and crags. This meant there were no suitable inland routes. Near San Remo, the railway had been diverted underground. The first leg of the disused track was blocked and overgrown and the tunnels were closed off. Later the disused line had been converted for cyclists and pedestrians. Here the walk became really pleasant. San Remo seems to be copying Montecarlo but everything is on a smaller and nicer scale. The underground station was almost shabby compared with the gleaming edifice at Montecarlo. The outward train journey took well over three hours. This was the longest ride of this trip so the journeys will get shorter and cheaper. The return on an express was quicker. I forgot about the booked seat system and caused chaos by occupying the wrong seat. To avoid world war three, I moved, only to find that my booked seat was occupied too. I found a compartment with only one man and had a snooze there. Italian trains are a bit cheaper than the French ones.

Website problems: Please mail Neil.

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