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 Walk Across Europe

2006-12-31 - Trip 7

Spain, Andalucia and Malaga

Rincon de la Victoria to Almayate Bajo

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972 km from start.
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 Track Log: Logged.
 Travel: Bus.

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Quiet mountain road. 19.8km. Not part of the walk across Europe.

The Walk

We left our flat and headed north up hill. After a few minutes we crossed under the Autovia and headed up into the countryside. After a few building sites and new school buildings, we were in open country, climbing up to the ridge where there were excellent but hazy views. With the view sometimes to the east and sometines to the west, we followed the ridge up to the highest point. Here we met mountain bikers who were about to descend on rough tracks.

Our descent was via Macharaviaya. This is a chocolate box Spanish hill-side village. The walk now dropped steeply into a river valley filled with orchards and plasticos or poly-tunnels. The tramac road was replaced by earth. It was hard to find a picnic spot because the orchards and farms were fenced. We finally found a spot perched on top of a steep bank. Of course there was a much nicer olive orchard round the next corner but eventually you get too desperate for food and rest. At least we were not under a motorway next to a sewage leak as has happened in the past.

After lunch we continued back to the coast. The road regained its tarmac but there was minimal traffic. In the middle of this rural idyl, there was a large oil smelling car dump and recycling centre. We got a bus back to Rincón.

We leave at 8.30 and turn right out of the gate and right again uphill following in reverse the route we had used coming from the airport. 8.35. At the roundabout, where the road ahead is indicated as a cul de sac, we turn left downhill
Añoreta Golf is on our right. I'm glad we've seen it as we've been here nearly two weeks and never spotted it.

At the next dead end, we go left uphill and then right. We follow this road as it swings first to the right and then to the left. At a roundabout, we join another road, which is the one which goes uphill from the dandelion fountain.

Here, we turn right and continue in a northerly direction. We are now on the yellow road marked on our map. Another bit of the golf course comes into view. In our experience, while you may sometimes be able to penetrate a military zone, you can rarely get into a golf course.

The olives are ready on the trees, but we don't know how to process them to make them nice to have. Two days ago, Neil tried a wild asparagus tip and said it was nice. He also said he hoped it was asparagus and it must have been because he is still alive.

8.50 We go under the motorway and uphill following signposts to Macharaviaya 7km. Málaga 3201 is road number.

9.00 We get to a fork. Left to Benagalbon and right to Macharaviaya. Go right towards Macharaviaya. Up this road, there seems to be no traffic.

9.20 We pass on our right a whole load of yellow, green and blue bins. It is a surprise to see them stored up miles from any where.

9.25 We reach the 2km sign. That is 2km from the motorway. We have already done 3.3km and stop for a break.

The times together with the kilometre markings will enable you to calibrate your walking time with ours. We don't rush and stop frequently to take photos. This time is not subtracted although break times are. This is a very nice stopping point up a side turning beyond a little house.

10.00 We reach a sign for Molino de Santillan 1km on the right. We are now at 278m altitude.

10.15 we pass 4km marker

10.35 we pass 5km marker. This is the first summit.

Our highest point was 410m. Lots of cyclists have come up here. Some hurtle down a rough track back to the valley. Others carry on up the road. Up the hill from here on the left, are two little matching log cabins on stilts overlooking the valley. Ahead of us on the left is the village of Benaque and Macharraviaya is directly ahead. We head down into the village and, when we get to a square beyond a tower on the left, we go across it and down the steps on the far side. We are aiming to get to the bottom left of the village in the hope of picking up a way down. We head straight down through the village.
Just before entering the village we can see the road on the far side which we took when we went to Iznate. It must join up with ours down in the valley.

At this point, directions become vague, as, I failed to turn off the differo after my last recording and therefore recorded a load of rubbish about the inflatable bivi/sleeping bag I have invented. All substantive information is missing because I faithfully turned it off to say it.

Neil suggests Karrimor as a suitable maker for the inflatable bivvi but thinks under a kilo is pushing it. Down below is a lovely twisty road going to the next village. We pass the 6km marker.

We discuss how we could cross Europe with a mixture of bivvying and pensions to wash our clothes and charge our piles. We hope we don't lose our knickers as Nick Crane did.

We go down a street named after an artist who had lived there. I have not now got his name which is a pity. At the bottom of the village, we turn left and are now on the road heading down. Once below the village, we use tyre tracks and passing vehicles to guide us to the main route down. If you do this walk, you will have to do the same but at least you have the GPS map as a guide. We get to another village the name of which we don't know and go through it. Then, instead of heading into the river valley as we had expected we bear right.

The time is 1o'clock. We have had lunch in a not especially nice place opposite a dog kennels. We carry on downhill to the ninja (way under a motorway) and at the T junction beyond it turn right. Here, you could go straight back to the main coast road to pick up a bus, or even walk home. We decide to turn immediately left on to a quieter road. We carry on along here as the road climbs and drops back down again many times to Almayate Bajo. Once back at the main road, we turn right and go along the road a few hundred yards to where we can catch a bus back to Los Rubios.

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