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 Walk Across Europe

2009-01-03 - Trip 13

Spain, Catalunya and Barcelona

Barcelona to Beccles

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273.9 km this trip.
2013 km from start.
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 Travel: Car, Air, Car.

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Uneventful. Good luck with buses. No waits. Stansted shuttle train is overloaded.

The return journey was routine and easy. We were lucky with connecting buses and didn't have to wait more than a couple of minutes. The Stansted shuttle train was overloaded. Why don't BAA run six car trains? The terminal buildings appear to be designed for this.

Then it’s off to the airport. It takes 30 minutes less at this time in the morning. Also we did not get lost in Barcelona. Our flight is uneventful and now we must look for a flat near Tarragona.

We showed Mini the photos of the trip, while breaking our journey home.

Website problems: Please mail Neil.

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