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 Walk Across Europe

2006-12-24 - Trip 7 - Leg 48

Spain, Andalucia and Malaga

Velez Malaga to Torrox

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17.4 km today.
65.2 km this trip.
909.5 km from start.
0 metres minimum height.
51 metres maximum height.
770 metres ascent.
89 metres descent.
 Track Log: Logged.
 Travel: Bus.

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Beach, road and golden mile.

The Walk

Before dawn, we caught a bus to Velez Málaga. At first light we walked from the bus terminus to a GPS way mark generated from Google Earth. This allowed us to find a quiet lane out of Velez Málaga and we avoided the main road. This worked perfectly. We headed south east towards the coast and the small harbour at Pinar Bajo. There were fine views of snowy mountain peaks after the Saturday rains. At the coast, we headed east to Torrox where we caught the bus back to Rincón. We changed bus at Torre del Mar and caught the "Directo". This express bus only stops at town centres so we zoomed about 5 km past out flat and had to walk back. We hadn't seen the Centre of Rincón so we didn't mind.

Today is a much better looking day. We catch the 7.30ish bus to Velez Málaga. It is cheaper from here because we are beyond the fare stage 1.19 euros instead of 1.52 euros yesterday. The journey is in the dark and will probably always be so, as we shall be passing through very early or very late. We had a smooth bus driver today. The one yesterday was surly and bumpy to go with it. Most of the drivers are so friendly that you really notice a grumpy one.

Once in Velez Málaga at 8.15, we set off SE following Neil's GPS waymark. There is snow on high ground. We take a photo of the snow on the pummocks (hills). The weather forecast had said there would be snow above 300m. We did well not to set off yesterday. We have now done 2.1 km. Without Neil's waymark, we would have had to find a town map as the way out is very complicated. We have now done 3.2km.

On Friday we could have gone to Iznate from right behind our house. That would have been very interesting but never mind, we didn't know. Maybe we can go up there if we have a rest day later on. Today our walk is shorter We have already done enough to deserve break but it is too cold and wet. We find toilets once we get out of human habitation beyond the roundabout at the end of the town. The descent to the sea is lovely with views of snow-clad mountains all the way. There are very few cars along here but at the one point where there was a puddle there were perversely cars coming in both directions.

It is now 9.45 and we have reached Puerto de Caleta del Velez 6km. It is now sunny and warm enough to have a break and a reindeer's ball. We are now at Playa Mezquitilla. It is 11.30. We are going to have a look at a bus stop to see which routes go through here. The route is good. Even where there is a cliff, there is a narrow track beyond the crash barrier above the sea. It is 10.45 our coats are now off. We can see Torrox ahead of us. We have a break on a rocky cliff. There is a tree trunk artefax washed up on the beach.

11.20 We get to Lagos. Once past here, we stop for lunch in a deserted spot on the beach. We have our whole lunch at once as we are almost there. The whole walk today is only 17.5km but as it Christmas Eve we don't want to be late back. Once in Torrox, we go onto the road to look for bus stops and decide to look for a big one at the junction to be sure the bus will stop. We sit down and I start to put on my legs (of zip-off trousers). Then a kind Scotsman comes over and asks where we are going. You have to wait on the other side of the road as the bus does a loop the loop. I continue putting on my legs as I have reached the point of no return. Then I cross the road. Our bus has to wait while I cross which is ideal, as I then arrive at just the right time to get on it.

We get tickets to Rincón and I think the driver who was very cheerful for Christmas and looking forward to his dinner would have let us off at our very own stop but we carried on to the centre to see how far it was. It was 3.5km so we have done 22km today much as usual. I bought some lemons at Opencor in Rincón for the salman (salmon) because we had forgotten to get them the previous day at Mercadona. We had a break on the beach on the way home. We discovered that Antonio's restaurante is open at mid day at least sometimes and also found an asador of pollos which will be nice but they are not open in the evening. Differo has not pecorded (recorded) the last few things. Maybe his piles (batteries) were going flat.

For supper we had gaspacho, cauliflower cheese thickened with pollo (chicken) soup and Christmas biggits (biscuits) from Nutters in Southwold. They were delicious and we are going there next year to do our Christmas shopping. Then we opened our presents. Mini and I have given each other Pam Ayres poems, luckily not the same ones so that was a surprise. I gave Neil pussies and so did Mini. It was really good. I also got a big bumbag which holds a litre of drink and a yoghurt which is really good. Neil gave me a Ray mears Track Book so we can identify lynxes and genets by their tracks. I will photocopy the most likely pages so we have them with us.

Website problems: Please mail Neil.

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