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 Walk Across Europe

2006-12-20 - Trip 7

Spain, Andalucia and Malaga

Beccles to Rincon de la Victoria

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Local walk, shopping etc.

We started the journey from Stansted to Málaga early to avoid driving through the predicted fog. We had a very long overnight wait at the airport where hundreds of passengers were catching buses back to their home airports, closed by the fog.

Norwich was closed so we were glad we had opted to fly a day earlier from Stansted. This was the worst fog for years and Heathrow airport was very badly affected. We were relieved to get away without significant delay.

The flight and taxi ride were uneventful and we were met as planed at our accommodation. This was a nice modern flat near shops and a bus stop. It was about 5 km east of the centre of Rincón de la Victoria.

We few from Stansted to Málaga. Ian took us the evening before as freezing fog was forecast and indeed, although it was not too bad in Stansted, planes returning to Liverpool and Norwich were being diverted. As the fog was due to continue for several days, it may have been a blessing in disguise that Flybe had no flights out on the Wednesday - the earliest Neil was free (this subsequently proved to be the case as there was chaos at many airports. People at Heathrow were being sheltered in unheated marquees – not really the time of year for it).

Our flight is on time and we arrive with no hitches. We got a taxi with a nice driver who knew Añoreta. Keith's (Keith was the owner of the apartment we were renting) instructions were also very good, and we found the apartment block straightaway.

Kate saw us unloading and called across to us. She had been taking her dog for a walk. Her name is Suzie and she is a sherzoo (Shitsu – pronounced sherzu by a polite lady in the posh end of North Norfolk). The apartment is very nice with balconies on two sides to make the most of the sun. We walked about the rooms unpacking had some sandwiches left over from the journey and then tried to sleep. Having spent the night at the airport we were jaded.

I had not understood how Keith had done the bill. He wanted to use the deposit as the insurance against breakages and all the rest in euros plus I hadn't noticed he had put the total by the week and not the total in all so I hadn't got enough euros – at least I thought I hadn’t. Neil gave me some and I will top up in Málaga mañana.

At the end of the holiday, I found I had got plenty after all – maths never was my strong point. This extra will mean I don’t need to change any money at all for La Rábita.

Later we went out to explore. We found the main road and the Mercadona where we set ourselves up with food and drink. Then we came back along the high road to try and locate the little shop which we had missed on the way there but which Keith had told us about. It was on the high up road, not the main, so now we know where it is. Once we got back, we unloaded all the shopping and Neil and I went out to try and find a bus stop with a timetable. Instead we found a bus stop without information but with a kiosk, so I bought two Claras for Isabelle and Charo (two friends who teach Spanish) and asked the lady when the buses came.

It sounded as though there should be one at about 7.45 so we decided to aim to get to the stop at 7.30 to be sure. Then we went home and had supper – pamplemouse (grapefruit), soup and cheese sandwiches followed by a satsuma and a chocolate santa - nice.

With mountainous terrain and only the one main road through, it was often necessary to walk on the busy roadside. The coastal villages usually had alternatives to the main road and the walking was nicer.

Website problems: Please mail Neil.

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