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 Walk Across Europe

2007-02-18 - Trip 8

Spain, Andalucia and Granada

La Rabita to Beccles

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Flew back to Norwich in the afternoon.


It's our final day but too early to tell whether the weather is a nice or not.

We have a nice doggie who lives opposite who used to bark at us but who now gives just a single bark and then welcomes us back. There is a black doggie just beyond the bus stop who has a very red tongue and there is a second pale station cross who goes in and out of the cafe.

Now we can see that it's a lovely day again. Have I said that on checking the spedunculas, we see that Neil should have had bed settee in the lounge and one of the bedrooms should have had two bed in it. There should also have been a microwave. We must tell the owners to update their website. If they change anything they should let future tenants know about the changes in case, as it was for us, it makes the accommodation unsuitable. We have enjoyed reading the Spanish version of the spedunculas. They must have been written either using a dictionary and translating word by word or put through a the Google or Bablefish translators. One sentence which sticks in my memory is "todo el año redondo" - all the year round.

Other amusing translations (by humans and not machine) include "early to bed and up with the cock" from a German MEP confusing his cocks and larks and from a French MEP "What we need is the wisdom of the Normans" translated as "What we need is Norman Wisdom". Every nation in Europe was wondering why the British MEPs were roaring with laughter.

Neil found the lost Santa. He hadn't eaten it and really was putting it into his bag.

Website problems: Please mail Neil.

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