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 Walk Across Europe

2006-02-15 - Trip 5

Spain, Andalucia and Cadiz

Tarifa to Gibraltar

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 Travel: Bus.

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Day trip. Met Father Francis

We took the 9.30 bus to Algeciras and changed there for La Linea de la Concepción. From there we made our way on foot to the crossing point and then, like real tourists, took a guided tour by taxi to the caves, the peak where the monkeys are and the Siege tunnels. We passed the Botanico but didn't go in. We had lunch with Father Francis at an Italian restaurant behind the cathedral.

Fr Francis apologised in advance in case he was forgetful. We told him about the present we forgot to bring. It was just sherry. For lunch, Anne had pasta called Venus’ navel which was irresistible. Knowing how Fr Francis appreciates humourous stories, I’ll send him a book of East Anglian humour. That will be more appropriate anyway as he already had a mine of good stories including many Irish and East Anglian ones.

Neil forgot to take a photograph of Fr. Francis.

Gibraltar is full of history and very interesting. It is culturally diverse too. Christians, Jews and Muslims live together without apparent difficulty. Now if only the number of cars could be reduced it would be the perfect place.

Website problems: Please mail Neil.

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