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 Walk Across Europe

2005-02-12 - Trip 3

Spain, Andalucia and Huelva

Lepe to Sanlucar

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 Travel: Car, Flight, Taxi.

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Damas Buses

Date / Distance

Route Summary

Sun 13th Feb 2005

Lepe to Huelva
Our route was from Lepe to Huelva using the Camino Verde. This follows the disused railway line from Huelva to Gibraleon. About 4Km after Cartaya we turned off the Camino Verde and followed a water supply canal heading a little south of east. We kept to the right hand side of the canal. After about 18 Km we headed east on country lanes towards Huelva. At 21.5 Km we joined the main road. It might be possible to avoid this but we did not find a better route.

Mon 14th Feb 2005
22.6 km

Huelva to Mazagon
We walked from Huelva bus station to Mazagon. The route followed the estuary and the river Odiel. We walked through the town and through industrial areas. The copper works was particularly smelly. The gas importing and storage facility was the last industrial complex. After this the environment became quiet and rural.

Tue 15th Feb 2005
31.2 km

Mazagon to Matalascañas
Another Camino Verde runs parallel with the main road between Mazagon and Matalascañas. In February, the road carries very little traffic and the Camino Verde lies a short distance from it. The entire walk was very tranquil. We caught the first bus and started walking in the dark at 07:30 in a temperature of -4C. After sunrise, the temperature rose quickly giving pleasant walking conditions. These temperatures are the lowest in living memory and many plants have died.

Wed 16th Feb 2005

A windy and freezing cold rest day with deceptive bright sunshine.

Thu 17th Feb 2005
30.4 km

Donaña National Park
The Donaña National Park only allows visitors on guided tours using four wheel drive buses. Walking along the beach is allowed. We took the bus tour but got out at the furthest point and walked the route beside the sea.

Fri 18th Feb 2005
6.3 km

Acebuche Reserve
On this, our last day, we visited the Acebuche reserve. This is another part of the Donaña National Park. There are wetlands and board walks to protect the sandy environment. There is a nice visitor centre and café. The shop has an excellent collection of books.

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